Mountain Western Log Scaling


About The Bureau

Our Company

Mountain Western Log Scaling and Grading Bureau was founded in 1951 as a nonprofit cooperative, serving logging and sawmill communities throughout the west.  We provide scaling, grading, and check scaling services as an independent third party to log buyers and sellers.  We have scaling locations throughout California and Oregon and process log scale data from all over the western United States.

Our Mission

Mountain Western’s primary goal is to provide our customers with the highest level of service in our industry.  To achieve that goal, we start with an experienced, professional staff, provide them with the tools they need to excel at their jobs, and incorporate advanced technology to accelerate our proven business practices.  

All in a Day’s Work

It starts with a highly trained scaler in the field, using the latest mobile computing technology, collecting dependably accurate scaling information.  By early afternoon, that information is transmitted to the Bureau’s Data Center for processing.  The scaled certificates are verified and prepared for transmission to our customers overnight.  By the following morning, the data is sent out  to customers in a wide variety of forms.